One month of skirts and dresses

This summer I tried to wear only skirts and dresses for a whole month, and I want to share with you how it went.

To start with, I have to mention where I got this crazy idea from – one day I found an article of a Russian woman, who was claiming that wearing only dresses changed her life and made her feel really feminine. Her life was never the same, and I wanted to check – would it be similar for me?

To make my dress wearing journey more pleasant, I invited friends, and we started off with one week.

How did it feel?

long blue dress.png
on this picture I just got the idea of wearing only dresses for a month

My way of thinking changed. I had to be creative to come up with what I shall wear each day, to make sure the dress I chose was the one I felt like, and to make sure it looked good.

It made me feel different. I prefer comfortable clothing, dresses are not my favorite, but this time I enjoyed almost every day.

It was a challenge – especially during cold rainy days in Paris, when I wanted to wear my jeans, but I was creative enough to come up with this – I would wear my jeans, but still wear a dress on top!

What did not happen?

I did not feel my life changed. It was good to wear dresses, but it was great to come back to pants and tights, and to wear anything I wish again.

I did not feel more feminine. Something may have changed inside me, after the experiment I started wearing more dresses than before, but I did not feel any obvious femininity.

I was not happy every day – sometimes I was angry at the dresses I had to wear, and then I would talk myself into it, to continue at least until the end of the month. My love for experiments and challenges always won, and I would stubbornly continue wearing dresses.

What about you? Try wearing only skirts and dresses for some time, and let me know how it goes. Summers are usually best for this, but who knows, you may want a winter challenge 😉


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