My backyard grave or how I died for 3 hours

If you die right now, what is number one thing you will regret not having done in your life? I bet even when I ask you this question, you don’t know the answer for sure. It is because the real answer is hidden in your subconscious, and thanatotherapy can supposedly help you discover it. “Thanatos” means death in Greek. It is therapy by death.

As soon as I heard about it, I knew it was for me. I like extreme and exciting kinds of activities, probably more because of the intense hormones of happiness they give me than the therapeutic affect itself.

And so I decided to try it. Continue reading “My backyard grave or how I died for 3 hours”

New Year Resolutions

If you don’t know where you are going, where will you arrive? Every morning, remind yourself what is the general direction of your life.

People tend to think about this a lot in December. January is considered a month of new beginnings, many making New Year resolutions, and 90% of people not sticking to them by the end of January.

In this article I will share my practice of making new year resolutions and some tips on how to make sure they come true for you. Continue reading “New Year Resolutions”

7 weird things to eat in China

NOTE! This article contains the food you will likely agree to taste. If you are looking for something you will probably never dare to try, it’s in the next article – Weird things Chinese people eat you should never taste.

“Do you know where H1N1 swine flu came from? It happened because someone in Canton ate the stuff people should not be eating”, my teacher once said. “There is a saying that Chinese people eat everything that has four legs except for chairs and tables”, he added. Having read this article you will be an expert on what weird stuff to eat in China. The next one is about what not to eat in China.

Edible weird things

Sesame balls – gooey and sticky, once you bite them apart, black sesame and sugar liquid flows out. For most of Chinese kids and adults it is one of the most blissful desserts, especially in Sichuan. Continue reading “7 weird things to eat in China”

100 ideas for your bucket list

Live your life before you kick the bucket

100 ideas in a fun lifelong to-do list

Are you stuck in everything that’s urgent forgetting about everything that’s important? You may continue living like this until you die. Do you want to? Some people did not, and they came up with bucket lists.

A bucket list is something you wish to do in your life – big dreams, grand ambitions, small goals and something you are simply curious about. It may be something like learning to ride a bicycle or climbing mount Everest, or giving birth to 5 children.

As long as your heart asks for it, write it in your bucket list.

Kicking the bucket means dying, so your bucket list is everything you plan to do before you die.

People used to write bucket lists for life. In today’s fast-paced life we started writing lists for decades or 5-year time slots.

Let’s do it? Continue reading “100 ideas for your bucket list”

Invite yourself on a date

Have you ever been on  a date with yourself? Sounds silly right? When something sounds silly to me, I do it right away, just because it helps me get out of the comfort zone.

Find two hours in your week when you can be alone. Only you and you. This time Continue reading “Invite yourself on a date”

Colour your life!

What is life if not playing?

I like to play games. When we have fun, we can connect with the children inside us and perceive life as it is, in the moment, completely present. One of the games I decided to play one day in Thailand is to play with colours. Continue reading “Colour your life!”

My little lives of 2017

a life full of magic

Whenever we move to a new place, we are surrounded by new energy, new people and food, and all this new information creates a completely different life. People have asked me how I manage to stay grounded and responsible when I travel so much, and the answer is – Continue reading “My little lives of 2017”

Live with your monsters

We all have monsters in our heads that prevent us from being disciplined clean human beings with well brushed teeth. This article is about how to deal with these monsters.

They say early morning and before going to bed is the best time for meditation, to calm your mind and have a good day and a good nights sleep. For me, those are two most difficult times of the day. In the morning I just cannot seem to wake up for the first three hours of the day and keep making many irrational decisions. In the evening my mind is tired, so it refuses to collaborate which prevents me from brushing my teeth and removing my make up, or preparing myself to sleep in any way possible.

Years of observation, reading articles and trying experiments have taught me to deal with my morning zombie and evening toothbrush monster and here I want to share with you how I do it. Continue reading “Live with your monsters”

One month of skirts and dresses

This summer I tried to wear only skirts and dresses for a whole month, and I want to share with you how it went.

To start with, I have to mention where I got this crazy idea from – one day I found an article of a Russian woman, who was claiming that wearing only dresses changed her life Continue reading “One month of skirts and dresses”