100 ideas for your bucket list

Live your life before you kick the bucket

100 ideas in a fun lifelong to-do list

Are you stuck in everything that’s urgent forgetting about everything that’s important? You may continue living like this until you die. Do you want to? Some people did not, and they came up with bucket lists.

A bucket list is something you wish to do in your life – big dreams, grand ambitions, small goals and something you are simply curious about. It may be something like learning to ride a bicycle or climbing mount Everest, or giving birth to 5 children.

As long as your heart asks for it, write it in your bucket list.

Kicking the bucket means dying, so your bucket list is everything you plan to do before you die.

People used to write bucket lists for life. In today’s fast-paced life we started writing lists for decades or 5-year time slots.

Let’s do it?

  1. Choose what kind of bucket list you will write (for life, 30 things to do before  you turn 30, 20 before 20)
  2. Take a piece of paper and a pen
  3. Write down YOUR OWN BUCKET LIST

If you are looking for inspiration, I give you 100 ideas below.

Include them into your list ONLY if you resonate with them!

  1. Paint a painting

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    this was on my 30 before 30 bucket list
  2. Live in 5 different places (cities, countries or even apartments)
  3. Learn how to play a musical instrument
  4. Go to 100 countries (if you list out the countries you want to go to, you are more likely to go there. You can also add the countries you have been to into your Couchsurfing account to inspire others)
  5. Read 100 books
  6. Smile to 10 strangers until they smile back to you
  7. Go to an exotic country

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  8. Write a book (or a blog post, a story, a poem)
  9. Start your own business
  10. Learn a foreign language
  11. Work for a big company
  12. Go for an extreme sport (bungee or parachute jumping, white water rafting, snowboarding, etc)
  13. Shave your head

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    I was so scared to shave my head I did not even write it down in the list
  14. Eat a meal with your eyes closed, or in the dark
  15. Kiss a stranger
  16. Take a bath in sparkling wine
  17. Live in a big metropolitan city (like New York, Shanghai, Bangkok)
  18. Live in the countryside
  19. Get a dog/cat

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    get a cat
  20. Sing a song in public – especially if you are really shy to do it
  21. Give a gift to someone who cannot afford it – if this person dreams about your gift, you will make their day so so special
  22. Volunteer for a cause you care for
  23. Do not speak a word for a whole day – a day of silence
  24. Have sex on the airplane/ train/ car
  25. Go to a silent meditation retreat

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    go to a silent meditation retreat
  26. Start your own social media channel, share your knowledge with the world – Instagram, Youtube, Facebook group, etc
  27. Write a song
  28. Go to a naked beach
  29. Celebrate something you don’t normally celebrate – the end of the workday, or the fact you said “no” when you did not want something, or the fact that you are alive
  30. Bake a cake

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    bake a cake
  31. Write a song/poem for someone you love
  32. Swim across a river/ lake
  33. Learn how to do a headstand/ handstand

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    learn how to do headstand
  34. Perform in a play – it can be amateur theatre or even improvisation theatre
  35. Laugh for 10 minutes right after waking up one day
  36. Go to a city/village you don’t know and spend a day wandering around there
  37. Go on as many dates in one day as you can arrange
  38. Build something/ create something
  39. Go trekking and sleep in a tent

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    go trekking and sleep in a tent
  40. Climb a mountain
  41. Organise your family reunion
  42. Plant a tree/ flower/ garden
  43. Dress up as a beggar, wander around town and see how people react
  44. Learn how to give a massage
  45. Go to a cave

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    go to a cave
  46. Take part in a self-development course/ seminar
  47. Study Non-violent communication
  48. Write a letter to your future self (open it in 10-20-30 years)
  49. Go to a tea ceremony

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    take part in a tea ceremony
  50. Have a baby/ two babies/ five babies / adopt a child
  51. Run in a marathon/ half-marathon/ Color run

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    take part in a Color run in your city
  52. Go to a concert of your favourite band
  53. Switch off your phone for a week and go offline – personal digital detox
  54. Spend a sleepless night under the starts
  55. Try psychedelics – magic mushrooms or sacred plants like ayahuasca, san pedro etc.
  56. Get a tattoo

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    get a tattoo
  57. Make your own piece of clothing
  58. Learn to cook an exotic dish
  59. Have a real conversation with your parents – admit how grateful you are, and how much you love them
  60. Drive a taxi/ uber
  61. Don’t buy anything except for groceries for a whole month
  62. Go to a music festival
  63. Practice lucid dreaming
  64. Draw a mandala

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    draw a mandala
  65. Give something you really love away – your favourite thing to a friend who needs it more, or a big amount of money to charity
  66. Buy something expensive
  67. Sell something expensive
  68. Live alone for some time
  69. Give a public speech in front of many people
  70. Buy a coffee/dinner to a stranger

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    buy a coffee for a stranger
  71. Study abroad
  72. Make something handmade – jewellery, furniture, pottery, etc
  73. Go on vacation to tropical islands

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    go on vacation to tropical islands
  74. Move to a new country
  75. Clean up trash in your neighbourhood
  76. Go hunting
  77. Get a colon cleansing/ panchakarma (Indian body and mind cleansing procedure)
  78. Fast for a week or two
  79. Play a team sport
  80. Go on a reading retreat – one week on your own and all the books you wanna read

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    go on a reading retreat
  81. Run naked in a crowded street
  82. Go to a kinky BDSM sex party
  83. Walk barefoot in a city for a day
  84. Make your own chocolate/ cheese/ ice-cream

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    make your own chocolate
  85. Eat only raw foods for a week/month/ year
  86. Buy a bouquet of flowers/ bucket of ice-cream and give it to everyone in the street
  87. Eat something strange – crickets/ scorpio/ starfish/ smelly fermented fish/ bird nest
  88. Hug a panda
  89. Take part in a ceremony/ make your own ceremony

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    organize a ceremony
  90. Learn a lesson from history – go to a concentration camp/ Hiroshima and Nagasaki or Chernobyl
  91. Live in a commune – there are many new age communes and some of them welcome visitors
  92. Write a letter to someone you let go of burn it
  93. Discover a new species/ land/ phenomenon
  94. Buy something you really like, even if you don’t need it
  95. Become a digital nomad – travel the world and work on your laptop

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    travel the world and work on your laptop
  96. Collect herbs and make your own tea
  97. Go on a blind date
  98. Hang yourself on the hooks from your skin (Ihor can tell you more about this)

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    hang on the hooks attached to your skin
  99. Go free diving/ scuba diving
  100. Meet a famous person you admire

Remember to enjoy everything you do, don’t be afraid to let go of things that do not serve you anymore.

Have fun!

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