Where is your safe space?

One morning in Chiang Mai I felt as if a big bouquet of yellow flowers suddenly faded inside my chest. I was sad because my good friend left Chiang Mai.
I was riding my bike looking for some happiness around the old town. In front of a temple with a golden roof I found a little shabby cafe which served bagels. Bagels with cream cheese, with peanut butter, with eggs and bacon made my mouth water. The smile of the girl who worked there was contagious. The sun was kissing my face through the window.

Colour your life!

What is life if not playing?

I like to play games. When we have fun, we can connect with the children inside us and perceive life as it is, in the moment, completely present. One of the games I decided to play one day in Thailand is to play with colours. Continue reading “Colour your life!”