How to be homeless

What does it mean – to be homeless? How to define home? Should all of us have a need for home or is home overrated?

They say – your home is where your toothbrush is. I have calculated my homes since May 19, 2017 and I realized my toothbrush has been to 17 different places in 3 countries having moved 26 times Continue reading “How to be homeless”

Be a monk for a month?

In July 2015, my friend from Kenya decided to try something very extraordinary – he became a Buddhist monk for 42 days. He went through an ordination process and took part in the international monkhood program which gave him an opportunity to try something very new and to look inside himself. I interviewed him about his experience, and below you can read his answers. Continue reading “Be a monk for a month?”

Doing magic? Yes, you can!

When we think of magic, we imagine witches, Harry Potter, magic wands, flying on broomsticks and preparing potions. Is magic really only potions and broomsticks, or are they just symbols? Learning about your inner magician can help you look at magic differently and start doing the tricks.  Continue reading “Doing magic? Yes, you can!”

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

Imagine this – you are not afraid of failure, judgement, lack of money, possibility of failure – so many opportunities open up for you, and you can do just whatever it is you have always wanted to do. Continue reading “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?”

Packing hacks

What we need and what we do not need on our journeys


Have you ever been on a trip with a huge backpack, and realised that you never used it? Have you ever regretted having to roll a big luggage along the street while looking for your hotel? Good new is that you can set yourself free from heavy luggage with mindfulness and consideration, and I will show you how to do it. Continue reading “Packing hacks”

Write to heal

Since a very young age, I have kept journals. I put photos of boys I liked inside and wrote down important events of my middle school life. I even wrote poetry, and I still like some poems from those days. Now, when I am almost 30 years old, I start to truly appreciate journaling and writing and discover all of its benefits. Continue reading “Write to heal”

Raw Vegan for a month

About five years ago, I met a Ukrainian man in Cambodia who was cycling through the country drinking coconuts and eating fruit only. I had heard about raw vegan movement before, but that man was my first real encounter of this phenomenon. My friend Anna and I were really inspired by him, and we decided to try what it felt like. Our experiment lasted for a month. Continue reading “Raw Vegan for a month”