Move to the village, Ukraine

This is our house made of straw and clay. It was built over 50 years ago.

Traditionally mud houses were typical homes in Ukraine. If someone did not have a home, their family or sometimes everyone in the village would get together and build one quickly.

Clay houses are warm in winter and cool in summer.

We don’t have running water and the toilet is outside, but the toilet view is majestic, outlooking garden, mist and chickens. Continue reading “Move to the village, Ukraine”

Traveling for life – #travelenjoyrespect

How traveling makes us grow, and how we grow with sustainable travel – my story

When I am asked – where do you live at the moment? I have no answer to this question. I live everywhere and nowhere at the same time, and this broadens my opportunities, at the same time making the range of responsibilities broader. I am Ukrainian, but visa policies are the only barriers that stop me from being all over the world.

We, the people, have so much in common that we often unconsciously try to separate from one another, but my biggest realisation in life is that we are one. And so, I travel the world, whenever I can, to celebrate this unity and diversity.

How do I travel?

I do not simply travel, I penetrate the lives of locals, Continue reading “Traveling for life – #travelenjoyrespect”

Invite yourself on a date

Have you ever been on  a date with yourself? Sounds silly right? When something sounds silly to me, I do it right away, just because it helps me get out of the comfort zone.

Find two hours in your week when you can be alone. Only you and you. This time Continue reading “Invite yourself on a date”

11 reasons to spend summer in Ukraine


Ukraine is an amazingly beautiful country with breathtaking natural scenery, yummy food and warmhearted people. In the recent years, it has been tough for Ukrainians to face the war and economical crisys, but we are indeed still enjoying life, even when it gets tough.

Many of my foreign friends are afraid to come here, as international media is picturing the country devastated and at war. Please know that with every downside there comes an advantage – these days Ukraine has become very cheap for visitors and only a small part of the country in the east is at war. It is the best time to come!

Here in this article, I share the reasons why you should definitely come to Ukraine this summer.  Continue reading “11 reasons to spend summer in Ukraine”

How to be homeless

What does it mean – to be homeless? How to define home? Should all of us have a need for home or is home overrated?

They say – your home is where your toothbrush is. I have calculated my homes since May 19, 2017 and I realized my toothbrush has been to 17 different places in 3 countries having moved 26 times Continue reading “How to be homeless”