Invite yourself on a date

Have you ever been on  a date with yourself? Sounds silly right? When something sounds silly to me, I do it right away, just because it helps me get out of the comfort zone.

Find two hours in your week when you can be alone. Only you and you. This time Continue reading “Invite yourself on a date”

I allow myself to be

My personal chant on honoring myself and allowing, but not avoiding, loving, but not fearing.

I allow myself to feel awkward.

I allow myself to eat meat.

I allow myself to have a white line on my back from suntanning in the swimming suit

and, unless I feel like it, I don’t have to be fit Continue reading “I allow myself to be”

Write to heal

Since a very young age, I have kept journals. I put photos of boys I liked inside and wrote down important events of my middle school life. I even wrote poetry, and I still like some poems from those days. Now, when I am almost 30 years old, I start to truly appreciate journaling and writing and discover all of its benefits. Continue reading “Write to heal”